“If You Can’t Scoop It, Make It Up.”
*The first, and maybe not the last, of what might become a continuing series ... in which I identify the most important stories for you, and tell you how to interpret them.
Kermit Gosnell isn't the only one keeping abortion unsafe, not rare, and legal.
Barry's economy still stuck on "sucks" ... still teetering on the precipice of "ruh-roh!"
Oh, that's where Saddam's WMD went.
The FBI always gets its man ... If it's not the 'Elvis Impersonator' then it has to be his personal antagonist.
Rubio 2016 campaign off to a bad start. (And if he signs off on Amnesty before border security, it will be road kill.)
(AP) - Jack Wiley Dithers Reporting
“If You Can’t Scoop It, Make It Up.”
Update 4:30 pm
Improved fourth snarkline.
Update 4/29/13
Mass outbreak of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among corrupt and biased liberal media.
Video masterpiece from House of Sunny via Jim Treacher. Glad their both on our side.