Big Government neatly summarizes the facts of Rick Santorum's use of the word 'theology.'
Santorum is right. Barack Hussein Obama is the titular head of the American Progressive Left, for whom the state sits above all. Statism is their theology. Period. End of sentence.
The American Progressive Left believes the state should be empowered to correct all perceived wrongs, determine economic winners and losers, direct the tiniest minutia of each and every subject’s existence. To the Progressive, there is no institution that should not be required to bow to the all-knowing dictates of the state; not the church, not the family, and certainly not any citizen so misguided as to actually believe he or she is endowed by any power higher than the state with a right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. In the American Progressive's theology we are all Oliver Twist, reduced to requesting permission for each additional allotment of gub'ment rationed gruel.
All respectable Progressives are in fact theologically (strictly speaking) atheist. This is why they feel compelled to pursue the dictation of a form of heaven on earth by way of state directed "fairness" for "all." As history amply shows, the result is always equality in bleak misery - due to the inherent limits of the human condition and their fatal conceit (Hayek’s term).
BHO, as the political front man for the Progressives, in what is still a Judeo-Christian country, cannot be so honest as to openly proclaim his total detachment from the fly-over rubes clinging to their bibles (and guns). He has to pretend to be a Christian, to further his theology of statist equality for all on Earth. It's his job.
And now I am reminded of a something that came up on the television screen while I was half not paying attention to Brett Bair's report tonight. Santorum, compelled by the protocols surrounding his position as today's leading Not-Romney, apparently said something like "if the President says he's a Christian, then he's Christian."
Unless, of course, if he's a liar, Rick. Joe Wilson was right, too.
Update 2/22/12
Media hyprocisy on display, edition umpteen bazillion .... It's OK for Barry to assume the cloak of Jesus as POTUS, but scary for Santorum to talk about Satan as a private citizen.
Matt at Conservative Hideout and LAS collaborate to give Santorum the advice he needs.
LAS commenting at CH:
You've hit on the best response Santorum can make to this caricature assassination attempt - essentially ignore it. That is, play the context card as you lay out, then instantly switch the subject to limited constitutional government and economic growth - which he has shown he can also be articulate about. The bonus is being convincing on limited constitutional government automatically diffuses any concerns about imposing religious values via gub'ment - kind of like JFK giving the speech stating he won't take orders from the Pope.