Subtitle: Thank you, stater of the obvious.
If an Empty Suit gives a press conference adding no value whatsoever, was there a press conference at all?
“We will find whoever harmed our citizens and we will bring them to justice.”
Better get cracking, Barry. We're still waiting for answers and "justice" from the Benghazi terror attack.
Update 4/17/13
The always predictable Left is predictably out politicizing tragedy. Salon: ‘Let’s hope Boston Marathon bomber is a white American’
What they really mean is the Left hopes it's not a Jihadist because the Left still doesn't want to face the plain fact Radical Islam has declared war on western civilization.
Update #2 4/17/13
Ruh-Roh Lefties. I wonder what "dark skinned male" might be a euphemism for? Nice Deb with the scoop.
Update #3 4/17/13
Flopping Aces has a nice round up of the many examples of instant Leftist political exploitation of the crisis.

Watch how quickly the corrupt and biased left wing media drops the topic like a hot potato when the meaning of the euphemism "dark skinned male" is filled in.