(AP) – Jack Wiley Dithers Reporting
“If You Can’t Scoop It, Make It Up.”
I was ushered into the Majority Leader’s office by a grim faced character in a poorly fitted black suit who looked like a reject from the cast of ‘Pulp Fiction.’ As I crossed the threshold, the Majority Leader was peeking furtively through a small crack in his otherwise fully drawn curtains.
JWD: On stakeout duty, Senator?
Reid: Just keeping an eye out for Teabaggers, that’s all.
JWD: Anderson Cooper introduced that term into our politics.*
Reid: Really? Soros told me they put that on their web site themselves.
JWD: Soros?
Reid: Uhhhh, I mean ... Think Progress. Anyway, sit down. Would you like something to drink?
JWD: I’ll take water.
{Here Reid silently made a movement to manipulate something under his desk.}
Reid: I called you here to share some secrets. You see, after I let the world know Mitt Romney owes ten years of taxes, I realized how liberating it can be to unload the burden of carrying secrets.
JWD: Go on.
Reid: Pro wrestling matches are fixed.*
JWD: I knew it! No way Hulk Hogan beats Sean Michaels in 2005 unless the fix is in.
{Here Mr. Pulp Fiction brings me a glass of water.}
Reid: Also, did you know fully two thirds of all American service fatalities in Afghanistan have occurred on Obama’s watch.*
JWD: Somebody alert Code Pink!
Reid: Did you also know 80% of Nevada is federally owned land?* Why, the house I grew up in was built on a old U-2 prototype crash site. The backyard backed up to a nuclear blast test site. The neighborhood kids used to play on a baseball field that had Area 51 as the home run line. Why, I once had to kick an alien in the groin – at least that’s what I think it was – to retrieve an overthrown frisbee.
JWD: I see. This explains a lot.
Reid: And since you brought up Anderson Cooper ... did you know he’s gay?
JWD: Everybody knows, Senator, he just came out.*
Reid: Of what?
JWD: The closet. That’s why the Teabagger thing is so funny.
Reid: Funny? Why?
JWD: Oh never mind. What else do you want to lay on me?
{Here Reid leaned in close and lowered his voice}
Reid: Biden is the source for Obama's national security leaks. See? If he's caught no one will believe he could be the source. Brilliant.
JWD: Pure Genius. Senator, why hasn't the Senate passed a budget the past three years?*
{Here Reid gets a quizzical look on his face}
Reid: Because nobody made me?
JWD: Senator, the law says ....
{Here Reid laughs his ass off}
Reid: Law? Laaaaaaaaaw? Oh, boy, you
are a hoot!
{Here Reid reached into a drawer and pulls out a napkin}
Reid: Wanna know what that is, boy?
JWD: A napkin?
Reid: The Obama campaign strategy. Written in Axelrod's own hand. Go ahead read it - don't mind the dried up soy sauce.
JWD: Romney is rich. And a Mormon.
Reid: Less is more, boy. Everybody hates the rich guy. And those Mormons ... don't get me started.
JWD: Aren't you also Mormon, Senator?
Reid: Yeah*, but not
that kind.
JWD: What kind?
{Here Reid's back straightens and he grimaces (well, more than usual, anyway).}
Reid: The
Republican kind.
(AP) – Jack Wiley Dithers Reporting
“If You Can’t Scoop It, Make It Up.”
Asterisk (*) denotes stuff that is actually true.
Update 8/8/12
How did I fail to asterisk no budget for three years at publishing time? Probably because that's the only thing a Senator absolutely has to do.