(AP) - Jack Wiley Dithers Reporting
“If You Can’t Scoop It, Make It Up.”
So, now all you mainstream media hacks finally begin to realize Barack Hussein Obama is a fascist dictator wannabe. Now you begin to grasp his entire administration of pseudo-intellectual faculty lounge wankers and community agitator mobocrats has only one ethical compass - Gub'ment Uber Alles.
Big woop.
What I really want to know is: where the hell am I on the enemies list? If these fascist thugs have an enemies list, I need to be on it. Anything less is an insult. And insulted I am.
Hundreds of AP reporters have their phones tapped ... yet I am unable to uncover any evidence I was caught up in the sweep. Mind you, I've been using a pay phone in plain view across the street from the White House to talk to my best sources. Christ, all they had to do was cross the street to plant the bug. Are my sources not worth crossing the damn street?! Yeah, that was my Bell Atlantic contact "repairing" the phone yesterday, Barack. He saw Plouffe at the window behind the binoculars, too. He found nothing on the phone - totally clean.
For two years I've been giving my less valuable government informants an email address connected to a totally unprotected laptop. No firewall, no virus protection ... nothing but the original Windows XP with no security updates. Naked as a jaybird. Pants down around the ankles unsecure. Still, the only signs of "intrusion" are porn link popups. Unless this White House has stooped to new lows in the field of crony capitalism, it would seem my honey trap has drawn no bees.
Last year I filed my business taxes on a 1040EZ! In crayon! On my personal return, I wrote into the Presidential Election Campaign box "Obama sux!" Practically daring them to audit me. Nothing. Not even a peep from the Cincinnati office. What, am I chopped liver?
It was I who reported on Barack Obama's embarrassment at Benjamin Netanyahu's dinner table on 3/25/13. I risked my best Mossad contacts for this scoop, not to mention access to Francis Charles Hamilton's well stocked bar ... and I don't even rate a warrant-less tap on my mobile? It's a Blackberry for chrissake - my kid could hook up a streaming feed from a cold start in 30 minutes.
On 3/10/13 I spoon fed the GOP their marching orders for Sequestration victory. "Do nothing," I said! Stand by and let the Empty Suit act the fool. And of course it worked. Because it's pure genius. Take that Koch brothers - who's the evil right wing genius now?
I broke the sizzling 11/19/12 exclusive exposing Michelle Obama's responsibility for removing the venerable Twinkie brand from convenience store shelves. Such insolence carelessly directed toward the Czarina of Let's Move! Do they not see the enemy at their doorstep? I need to be on that list!
It was I, on the night of 10/11/12, who gave Joe Biden the debate coaching he needed to take Paul Ryan to the woodshed. Ok, it wasn't really good advice ... I figured they'd at least put me on the list as a possible mole after that one.
I reported on 8/7/12 Dingy Harry Reid's first hand testimony that Joe Biden was the source of all the administration's national security leaks. This came after I broke the exclusive story of Joe Biden's sleep apnea challenges on 04/17/11. Christ, you'd think my tweet "#ATTACKJWD GFY OFA" on 9/16/11 would have been enough to at least earn me a visit from a Chicago union mob.
Could it be I've been misjudging the significance of all those helicopter fly overs? Is there a more innocent explanation for the thwaka-thwaka-thwaka that seemingly accompanies my every movement. Paranoia maybe?
Damnit, I need to make sure I'm on that enemies list. So I can cash in as a participant in the class action civil suit against Barack Hussein Obama when he leaves office ... whether it be by Article II, Section 4 or Amendment 22.
(AP) - Jack Wiley Dithers Reporting
“If You Can’t Scoop It, Make It Up.”
Update 5/30/2013
Methinks I see the tip of an iceberg. For years to come, I predict the unethical Leftist hacks that ran this extra-constitutional administration will be defending themselves against claims of damages filed by those they targeted with their various abuses of power. They better get to work shredding evidence ASAP. They only have 1331 days left "in power."
Update 6/3/2013
The scope of the IRS power abuse scandal widens. Even the reliable Obamabot handmaidens at Politico are forced to do timely reporting on the matter. It will soon become apparent to even the most casual observer it had to be a coordination strategy of political intimidation originating in the White House. Had to be.
Update 6/5/2013
Fuzzy Logic remembers earlier Obama Enemies List operations. The Internet never forgets. Anybody else seeing a pattern?
Update 6/6/2013
The enemies list has expanded to Verizon's entire customer list. Hey, I think that includes me! The only problem for me is the net that's been cast includes so many enemies my share of the class action litigation will be too low. Maybe I'll get more satisfaction by starting the Impeach Judge Roger Vinson movement.
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