The dominoes are falling.
And, I, LibertyAtStake, am left wondering which bumper sticker would be the hottest seller if conservatives behaved like liberals, or if the corrupt and biased liberal media did its job reporting the truth to low information voters.
And when the radical hand of the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama is forced into overtly playing the race card? What then for the republic? So be it. The truth must be known when brave Americans are slaughtered by Mohammed's Murder Monkey Cult From Hell.
I, LibertyAtStake, shall now enumerate what we do *not* know about the Islamist terror attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012.
1. Who exactly executed the attack? Why aren't they in American custody?
2. Who exactly killed J. Christopher Stevens, and how?
3. Who exactly killed Sean Smith, and how?
4. Who exactly killed Tyrone Woods, and how?
5. Who exactly killed Glen Doherty, and how?
6. Who denied American security for the consulate multiple times before the attack?
7. Who issued multiple stand down orders to American military assets during the attack?
8. Who invented the YouTube video lie?
9. Who altered the intelligence talking points memo to spread the YouTube video lie?
10. Why is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula still in prison for committing a First Amendment crime against the prophet
In other words, the only thing we do know about this catastrophic adminsitration failure is what I wrote on February 7 - Incompetence before, lack of leadership during, and corrupt political coverup after.
Who remembers these oldies but goodies from the blog project?
Update 5/15/13
A very big dominoe falling today ... mainstream media no longer willing, apparently, to act as Barry and Hillary's praetorian guard. The headline from Breitbart is: Backfire: ABC, CNN, NBC Call for White House to Release Libya Emails.