If you don’t know the rules by now, you haven’t been paying attention. If you are Sandra Fluke, an occupier, or like-minded fellow traveler - you probably feel entitled to an explanation. None will be forthcoming. Use the Search Box, dummy! No more whining!
Inexplicably fuzzy screen snaps embiggen when clicked, headlines linkify when clicked.
A classic cartoon, the National Science Foundation, a grammatical error, and a prescient forecast of Team Leftie’s occupation mob … all in one single comment on gub’ment over-reach!
LAS pontificates on the stimulative effect of the arts.
Dang furriners!
I’m too sexy for my deodorant.
Rule 5 all about … ahem … the eyes.
LAS provides invaluable pro bono editorial advice to NewsBusted producers.
Las invokes 18th century slang for Heritage Foundation crowd. Because they get that stuff.
Rule 5 is the best part of Barry’s ridiculous energy policy.
On what to do with wrong-headed precedent.
On the futility of comprehensively chronicling Team Leftie induced mayhem.
Captain Kirk – Libertarian Hero!
Update 03/13/12
The solution to my fuzzy screenshot problem going forward is switching from the free Wisdom-soft ScreenHunter utility to the free Gadwin PrintScreen utility. Very puzzling ... I've been using ScreenHunter literally since 2007, including more than 2 years on this very laptop. I could drill into the impossibly complex web of settings, configurations, and installations on this laptop to find the root cause ... or just switch to the next free utility in line. I've never been accused of stupidity.
Update 03/20/12
It is now becoming clear the issue is file type as opposed to screen snap utility - which, of course makes a hell of a lot more sense. *.gif - the ScreenHunter default - doesn't upload to blogger with clarity anymore. *.bmp - the Gadwin default does. *.png also does. Typical file size for matching images, in descending order, is *.bmp, *.png, *.gif - aligning with this observation.
Maybe St. Patrick can bring the snakes back
10 minutes ago