Drinking Games related to specific words expected to be repeated during the empty and predictable pontifications of the Empty Suit Known As Barack Hussein Obama during SOTU 2014 have been designed by the multitudes. Why is this necessary? Here's my drinking advice of the moment ... whatever it takes to keep from throwing something through your TV. The bum has no gas left in his tank.
Update 9:25 pm
The golf claps are just overwhelming.
Update 9:55 pm
The ObamaKare pitch devolves into bad stand up comedy.
Update 10:15 pm
By orders of magnitude, we get the biggest applause line. The Community-Agitator-In-Chief is reduced to basking in the reflected glory of the wounded war vet.
Update 10:20 pm
That was excruciating. Hope your TV survived. Hope you aren't too hung over for work tomorrow. If you still have a job in Barry's Dysconomy, that is.
Update - 9:30 am in the harsh light of the following morning
The awful spectacle might have left less of a scar had I been following Greg Gutfeld on Twitter.
The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #1981
46 minutes ago