Dear Comcast Customer:
On Wednesday, November 9 at 2 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time), FEMA and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will conduct the nation's first ever Emergency Alert System (EAS) test. The purpose of this test is to help determine if the national-level system will work as designed, should officials ever need to send a national alert.
This test will last approximately three minutes and will be seen on all local, cable, and satellite TV stations across the country, as well as radio.
Here's What You Should Know
Your Comcast programming will be temporarily interrupted. However, as soon as the test ends, you will be returned to your regularly scheduled programming. While we do not anticipate an interruption in your service, in some rare cases, you may need to:
• Use your remote to channel up and then channel down or power down your box to fully restore programming after the test completes.
• Any DVR recordings that are in progress during this test will be interrupted, and in some cases, lost.
If you experience the Emergency Alert System message for more than five minutes, please do the following:
• Power-cycle your cable box by unplugging the power cord from the outlet
• Wait thirty seconds and then plug it back in
And if it still doesn’t work, run around the block three times and then shoot the highest permanent structure you can see.
Some people think this is actually a dry run for the declaration of martial law by The Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama.
That may or may not be true (I give it even odds), but LAS knows one thing for sure: since it’s the first full scale test of a gub’ment developed application, there will be chaos somewhere in the system.
Try not to lose your head during this “unprecedented” exercise in nationally centralized command and control.
And, yeah, I will get to the Cain conspiracy soon. I’ve processed enough credentialed news and commentary so far to know the post will cover unhinged MSM bias, unhinged Politically Correct litigiousness, there is no God-given right to avoid being made to feel ‘uncomfortable’, the public putting all of the aforementioned in focus, and this fresh poll: