I have to admit this historical moment has come along sooner than I initially anticipated when I inaugurated this humble little blog in December 2009. The moment has arrived for the “Pickett’s Charge” of the American Progressive gang.
The historical analogy fits on an irrelevant personal level. I sometimes like to kid my southern belle bride – who is distantly related to George Edward Pickett himself – about how Pickett finished last in his class at West Point, and gallantly led the most ill-advised frontal assault in American military history (Confederate charge, 3rd day at Gettysburg – generally recognized as the turning point in the American Civil War). Of course, he was only following Robert E. Lee’s orders at the time, and historical accounts are ambiguous (but colorful) about relations between the two men afterward.
When I started this blog, I honestly thought the Progressive gang had so-called “Health Reform” in the bag, and their “Pickett’s Charge” legislative moment would come at a later time - over Cap and Tax, Immigration Amnesty, or any of a number of other Progressive outrages dancing in their little heads. But, along came Scott Brown to shake up their plans, and here we are. The moment has arrived to man the ramparts, take aim at the Progressive troops charging at us with the battle cry “Alinksyu Akbar,” clad in their Mao jackets festooned with hopey-changey campaign paraphernalia. Obama (Lee) has given the orders, Pelosi (Pickett) is leading the charge, and the elected donkey caucus is providing the troops.
To do my little part to stoke up morale for the necessary defense against this berserker charge, I created the “T.E.A. Film Festival” Playlist on my YouTube account. Via the magic of the Internet (thank you Al Gore), you can view any of the 27 videos individually a few minutes at time. However, I specifically sequenced the playlist to be experienced as something akin to a full-length documentary of the T.E.A. Party movement to date, around 97 minutes viewing time. The audio portion of the Intro and Outro videos was written and performed by my youngest son. The 25 videos between were produced by individual patriots across the nation. Think of it as a federalist approach to film making. One gateway to this film experience is the YouTube embed at the top of this blog.
So, enjoy the documentary I’ve done on you the American people, contact your representatives in DC every way you can to tell them you don’t want the government to run another 1/6 of your economy, and let’s make April 15, 2010 a victory celebration.
Try throwing a bucket of water on her
5 minutes ago