From Red State.
Bill Ayers is a despicable human being. So is is his wife Bernadine Dohrn. Born to privilege, radicalized by the 60's New Left, convicted domestic terrorists both. Hard core members of the Weather Underground, which literally sought the violent overthrow of the US Government in order to replace it with a form of Marxism, and acted upon this goal by literally blowing stuff up. Neither has ever expressed the slightest remorse for the mayhem they inflicted upon the civil society. All of this, of course, made them darlings of the Left and set them up for life as tenured members of the Leftist academy. And, oh, did I mention Barack Hussein Obama launched his political career in the living room of these entitled felonious Marxists?
There is also a good bit of circumstantial evidence supporting the assertion Bill Ayers wrote BHO's first of two autobiographies. The book Ayers undisputably wrote - Prairie Fire - is being used as one of two playbooks (Alinsky's Rule For Radicals being the other) directing the street mayhem and political food fights BHO and his corrupt gang of progressives are inflicting upon the civil society in the current election cycle.
Recently, Ayers attacked Breitbart with rhetoric proving once again Leftists possess no sense of irony. Kind of like arguing for photo ID to purchase a six pack of Corona, or sign up for government assistance, but not to vote.
Look it all up, kiddies - you have the Google machine.
Larwyn’s Linx: Musk Derangement Syndrome
16 minutes ago