I don't usually write this kind of post in this space - i.e. direct and straight up. Astute readers have surely noted I aspire to mix in some degree of sarcastic and ironic entertainment with my political rants; in the spirit of past masters such as Hunter S. Thompson, Florence King, R. Emmett Tyrell, and P.J. O'Rourke. Trust me, it takes time and effort to do this schtick with any degree of quality - even for the sarcastically gifted, such as myself.
But I was inspired to step outside my box, as it were, by tonight's Fox News (Brett Bair) report. So, bleck ... on with the immediate reaction ...
Apparently Willard 'Mitt' Romney has responded to Barry's ridiculous Bain Capital class warfare gambit with a response that prominently features the phrase "Prairie Fire" - which also happens to be the title of a book written by Barry's ideological mentor Bill Ayers. Anybody can "google" (God, I hate that word as a verb) the connection between the phrase and the unrepentant domestic terrorist in whose living room Barack Hussein Obama began his scripted political career. Well done, Mittens.
And also today, the Speaker of the entire House of Representatives - John Boehner of Ohio - stated unequivocally he is ready to pick a fight when the debt ceiling comes due for renewal again. It will probably be after the republic hands the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama and his Donkey Party Hacks a monumental defeat in November, but but before they are sent packing in January. Again, anybody can "google" it - but I still hate that word as a verb. Well done, Mr. Speaker.
It's enough to make me fondly remember this guy ...
Carpe Diem.
Update 5/16/12
More signs the Establishment GOP is starting to get it. The RNC has launched a "tumblr" effectively mocking Obama's narcissim - specifically his administration recently updating several official White House histories of past Presidents by adding blurbs about Obama policies. I love it. I might have to reconsider my three year old embargo on donating funds to the national committees ... Nah ... let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Visage à trois #2901
3 minutes ago