In my June 24 post "Weekly Status Report" I stated:
Part 26 of the “Newton’s Three Law’s” series will explain further. LAS has been collecting links to collate into Part 26. It’s not hard. All I have to do is browse my way down my blog roll and the myriad of epic failures attributable to the Progressive in the White House jump out at me ...Well, I meant it with all good intentions. Really. It is high time, however, to declare this endeavor Overcome By Events (OBE)- and to loudly declare "PUNT!"
Instead of a proper Newtonian styled essay, I'll just drop the accumulated links into the now largely ignored and long unpromoted Assigned Reading List page, and declare victory. For the historical record.
Also for the historical record, I should go ahead and publish a couple of now OBE contributions from the staff cartoonist.
The first was at my suggestion early in the evolution of the epic blogger fail. I had a vague idea of weaving in imagery of trains colliding. So, I asked the staff cartoonist to give me Thomas the Tank Engine with the face of the Failure-In-Chief replacing Thomas' ...
There is great potential here for a fully rounded Obama the Tank Engine and Friends feature. We could have a Bill Ayers train, a Tony Rezko train, Jeremiah Wright train, Van Jones train, Saul Alinsky train, and so on.
The second OBE contribution from the staff cartoonist is more impressive to me, only because it sprung directly from his own imagination. The only input he needed from me was an answer to his proactive question "who was that guy that just signed Obama's bill?" He shortly thereafter came forth with this excellent rendition of Pelosi holding a gun to John Roberts while BHO makes sure he accepts the offer he can't refuse.
A very sophisticated demonstration of an intuitive understanding of exactly what's broken with the constitutional system, I must say. Well done, son.