As a reader of blogs, I usually find the “remember you read it here first” blogging style off-putting. I find it a bit pretentious, because, really, how can anybody really know given the vast expanse of the Internet? And who would waste his or her time trying to prove it definitively, anyway? Get a life …. pleeeeeze.
However, the architecture for this blog project is nothing if not “pretentious,” soooooo …….
Can anybody out there identify anyone else who was predicting the inevitability of Impeachment proceedings for Barack Hussein Obama before I was, when I posted “Stupid of Treasonous?” on January 4, 2010? There might be something in the archives of the Impeach Obama Campign blog, but I’m unwilling to devote the time to find out.
But I digress.
Back to the point - I’ve noticed lately the ‘I’ word, sometimes a direct call, sometimes a building of evidence for the case, is coming up a lot lately in the blogosphere.
I do believe it is the kerfuffle in Madison, Wisconsin over the state budget shortfall that has brought things to a head. This awesome show of democracy in action, in the American heartland, has brought the Progressive Left out for us examine in its full glory – in the same way a flashlight shown under a sink in a Cabrini Green tenement brings out the cockroaches.
News Real Blog cogently connects events in Madison to the future of the republic itself.
American Power reminds us the Progressive Left’s pathology – and their Achilles Heel – is that everything is politics to them.
Hot Air looks at the poll numbers, sees the Progressive Left losing the public relations battle in Madison, and predicts the Progressive Left will lash out as a result. LibertyAtStake certainly agrees with the prediction. Violent protest is in the Progressive Left’s DNA.
The Impeach Obama Campaign thirds the prediction made by Hot Air and seconded by LAS. It won’t be Global Warming that heats up the republic this summer.
Michelle Malkin is maintaining the documentary record of the Left’s initial build up to fury.
Piece Of Work In Progress assists Ms. Malkin in this valuable service to the republic.
Snark and Boobs hones in on a commonality between the union goons and Islamists – violence toward women.
Big Gov explains why Scott Walker is the perfect antagonist to stare down the union rent-a-mob.
Allied Liberty News gives good advice to Governor Walker – fire the AWOL teachers!
Nice Deb documents what it’s like to try to do business with a gang of hacks who see everything as politics.
Sentry Journal presents how far the Progressive Left is removed from our republic’s founding principles.
Doug Ross lays out the choice before us: nothing less than liberty or tyranny.
Pundit and Pundette explain how and why sticking his nose into Madison's business redounds to Barack Hussein Obama’s ultimate decline.
The Right Wing, Nut! reminds us Barack Hussein Obama is a ‘Missionary Man’ (gratuitous Eurythmics reference), with a willingness to lie about the mission in order to further it. It was this sense of mission for the Progressive cause that drove BHO to make that foolish tactical mistake of inserting himself into the Wisconsin debate immediately after submitting his wholly unserious 2012 federal budget proposal. This showed his disrespect for the constitutional concept of federalism and highlighted his hypocrisy on the budget deficit issue.
Right Wing News asks “what are all the secret meetings about, anyway?”
The Impeach Obama Campaign (IOC) takes notice it is gaining recruits. Hell, even Newt smells blood in the water.
iOwnTheWorld sees nefarious intent behind BHO’s unwillingness to defend the Defense of Marriage Act. LAS agrees.
It’s already ‘case closed’ at the Camp of the Saints.
Mind Numbed Robot makes a strong case for ‘Treason.’ LAS comments that ‘Treason’ doesn’t need to be provable if the pattern of ‘Stupid’ keeps building.
Atlas Shrugs tunes into the ‘Stupid or Treasonous (It’s Beginning To Not Even Matter)’ vibe.
I think you get the point. There is more – much more – that could be added to this post from the patriotic network I call the Bob Schieffer Blog Roll.
The rising call for Impeachment is coming to a head because the Progressive movement, and their current champion – the Empty Suit known as Barack Hussein Obama – are feeling the political heat generated by the great awakening of the American public that is underway. This great awakening produced the TEA Party movement, beginning mere weeks after BHO took office and began to show us his priorities in office. This great awakening is contributing to the rise of the Internet as a source for valuable information, Fox News as a source for fair and balanced news, and the precipitous decline of the criminally biased MSM in the eyes of the public. This great awakening dealt an historically devastating November 2010 election loss to the Empty Suit known as Barack Hussein Obama and the political party his Progressive fellow travelers hijacked long ago. It will deal an even more devastating loss in the November 2012 election to the Donkey Party.
Remember you read it here first. :)
And the pressure applied to the Progressive champion – the Empty Suit known as Barack Hussein Obama – will, I predict, cause him to do desperate things leading to Impeachment articles before we reach November of 2012. He can’t help it – it’s in his Progressive DNA.
Remember you read it here first :)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
An Open Letter To Our Unionized Public Servants
Let’s get a few things straight right off the bat.
You work for us - the taxpayers. And don’t give me that tired old line about you paying taxes, too. Every thin dime on that W2 of yours originated from us. The only reason some of the lines on that W2 say “xyz taxes” is the IRS and the other government shysters figured out a long time ago that collecting their vig up front makes most of the citizenry blind to how much is being confiscated. There are really only two big pots of wealth. Pot A is the wealth generated in the private sector. Pot B is the wealth allocated from Pot A to be spent in the public sector. We create what goes into Pot A and pay taxes into Pot B. The government pays you out of Pot B and pretends you pay taxes back into the very same pot. Like I said, you work for us.
If you’re a cop or a firefighter don’t play the “dangerous service” card with me, either. My father was a cop – a damn good one, too – and we’ve had this conversation. We both agree no amount of 'service' gives anyone the right to bankrupt the entire society. In fact, if you are willing to bankrupt the entire society to protect your compensation package – I don’t think you really understand the concept of ‘service.’ This is about society’s checkbook. News flash - we’re broke.
If you’re a teacher, don’t give me any crap about “the children.” If you had dragged either of my kids to Madison – illegally blowing off your job – I can assure you they would have blown you off and found something useful to do. You know why? My wife and I have raised then to be citizens. You (the teachers who dragged their students to Madison in violation of your contracts) are zombies – and you have nothing but contempt from me, my wife, and my kids.
If you’re a paper pusher – I’m in no mood right now to give you the time of day.
Regardless of who you are, if you fit the description ‘unionized public servant,’ understand this – there are a hell of a lot more of us than you. There has to be – just do the math. We create Pot A and contribute toward Pot B. You depend entirely upon Pot B. Are you a citizen or a committed dependent of Pot B? Now is the time to decide. Now means now.
OK, so now that we’ve done some level setting – let’s talk about what’s going on in Madison.
First...Duh!, we’re broke.
Do you think kicking in half of your retirement fund is a horror? Duh, I contribute every thin dime to my own retirement.
Do you object to contributing a mere 13% to your gold-plated health insurance plan? Duh, I contribute 50% to my tin-plated health insurance plan.
Do you think everyone who has the same bureaucratically defined job code as you should be compelled to contribute dues to the union? Who told you that – the burly guy with the crooked nose?
Bottom Line - You need to decide right now whether you are a citizen or a Union Zombie. If you are a citizen - welcome aboard. If you are a Union Zombie, then I’ll see you in the streets.
Because even our women are ready to throw down.
(That means “F-U” – assuming you choose to stand as a dependent of Pot B.)
You work for us - the taxpayers. And don’t give me that tired old line about you paying taxes, too. Every thin dime on that W2 of yours originated from us. The only reason some of the lines on that W2 say “xyz taxes” is the IRS and the other government shysters figured out a long time ago that collecting their vig up front makes most of the citizenry blind to how much is being confiscated. There are really only two big pots of wealth. Pot A is the wealth generated in the private sector. Pot B is the wealth allocated from Pot A to be spent in the public sector. We create what goes into Pot A and pay taxes into Pot B. The government pays you out of Pot B and pretends you pay taxes back into the very same pot. Like I said, you work for us.
If you’re a cop or a firefighter don’t play the “dangerous service” card with me, either. My father was a cop – a damn good one, too – and we’ve had this conversation. We both agree no amount of 'service' gives anyone the right to bankrupt the entire society. In fact, if you are willing to bankrupt the entire society to protect your compensation package – I don’t think you really understand the concept of ‘service.’ This is about society’s checkbook. News flash - we’re broke.
If you’re a teacher, don’t give me any crap about “the children.” If you had dragged either of my kids to Madison – illegally blowing off your job – I can assure you they would have blown you off and found something useful to do. You know why? My wife and I have raised then to be citizens. You (the teachers who dragged their students to Madison in violation of your contracts) are zombies – and you have nothing but contempt from me, my wife, and my kids.
If you’re a paper pusher – I’m in no mood right now to give you the time of day.
Regardless of who you are, if you fit the description ‘unionized public servant,’ understand this – there are a hell of a lot more of us than you. There has to be – just do the math. We create Pot A and contribute toward Pot B. You depend entirely upon Pot B. Are you a citizen or a committed dependent of Pot B? Now is the time to decide. Now means now.
OK, so now that we’ve done some level setting – let’s talk about what’s going on in Madison.
First...Duh!, we’re broke.
Do you think kicking in half of your retirement fund is a horror? Duh, I contribute every thin dime to my own retirement.
Do you object to contributing a mere 13% to your gold-plated health insurance plan? Duh, I contribute 50% to my tin-plated health insurance plan.
Do you think everyone who has the same bureaucratically defined job code as you should be compelled to contribute dues to the union? Who told you that – the burly guy with the crooked nose?
Bottom Line - You need to decide right now whether you are a citizen or a Union Zombie. If you are a citizen - welcome aboard. If you are a Union Zombie, then I’ll see you in the streets.
Because even our women are ready to throw down.
(That means “F-U” – assuming you choose to stand as a dependent of Pot B.)
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011
ACTION REQUIRED: Style Guide Revision
A post to announce our field operatives have submitted a comment to the Suggestion Box that has been accepted by management.
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Sunday, February 13, 2011
Egypt 2011: Ataturk Vindicated, Or al Banna’s Revenge?
Like the proverbial broken clock that tells the right time twice a day, your ditherer-in-chief had this to say to a student audience on Thursday, trying to explain current events in the Middle East:
"What is absolutely clear is we are witnessing history unfold," Obama told students at Northern Michigan University in Marquette, Mich. "It's a moment of transformation."
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Of course, Barry naturally failed to fill in the blanks for the eager young minds assembled before him. I, LibertyAtStake, shall step up and correct this egregious error of omission.
What hangs in the balance is no less than this: whether the Middle East shall continue the slow roll toward western modernity started by a guy named Ataturk in the 20th Century; or slip back into the barbaric 7th Century theocratic state envisioned by a guy named Mohammed.
If it breaks the wrong way, consequences could include a world-wide collapse of the energy economy and/or the elimination of Israel, the only truly modern democratic state in the region right now. Your current administration has little influence over which way it will break, and in fact has done everything over the past few weeks to cause it to break the wrong way. At this point, you might as well consult your Ouija board for the answer.
As one might expect, Wikipedia provides a decent biography for Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (b. 1881, d. 1938), intentionally constructed to aim for objectivity and to present non-controversial facts. This biography makes him out, more less, to be a Turkish George Washington. Substitute “American” for “Turkish” in the lead summary, and you’ll see what I mean.
“[Ataturk] was a Turkish army officer, revolutionary statesman, writer, and founder of the Republic of Turkey, as well as the first Turkish President.”
For the purpose of this post, we shall focus on his policies as “the first Turkish President,” which included the following:
In this blog space, I’ve alluded often to a principle tying Newtonian physics to the grand ebbs and tides of history – in particular Newton’s principle stating that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
The Wikipedia article on Ataturk, perhaps bound by its tenants of pure non-controversial objectivity, whitewashes the equal and opposite reaction of Mohammed’s Islamists to Ataturk’s reform program. That would be the founding of an interesting little organization that has been in the news a lot lately – The Muslim Brotherhood. But, we can turn to the capable journalists at Breitbart’s Big Peace to correct the omission.
The aftermath of World War I, with the defeat of the Turkish Ottoman Empire, saw the destruction of the Islamic political authority called the “caliphate.” Mustapha Kemal Ataturk established post-Ottoman Turkey as a secular westernized state and abolished the caliphate. Among his reforms to dismantle the shariah system, Ataturk banned the tradition of growing beards by men and wearing headscarves by women, banned the call to prayer from the mosques, abolished the Turkish language’s script and replaced it with the Latin alphabet, and made the Turkish military the custodians of a new secular tradition.
This did not sit well with Islamic traditionalists. Some became determined to restore the caliphate, if not in Turkey, then somewhere else. One such individual was Hassan al Banna, the son of a Muslim imam who lived outside Cairo, Egypt. In 1928, al Banna founded an organization called the al-Ikhwan al-Musilmin, known in English as the Society of Muslim Brothers or the Muslim Brotherhood (MB).
The Big Peace article draws on a scholarly work known as “Shariah: The Threat to America,” put out by a panel calling itself “Team B II” and sponsored by the Center For Strategic Policy.
The bottom line conclusion of this panel’s research is basically that the 1928 founding of the Muslim Brotherhood has grown over the years into a world-wide movement to impose Shariah Law as the supreme law – by force when possible, by stealth and deceit where necessary.
In the eighty years or so since the Cairo founding of the Muslim Brotherhood, Ataturk’s vision has had more visible success in the Middle East’s battle of ideas. Now - this being the Middle East, with zero prior experience in modern civilization, and the progress only having eighty years to unfold, the disciples of Ataturk have mostly been secular despots.
Shah Reza Pahlavi of Iran was such despot with visions of modernizing his country. In 1979, the Islamists scored their first major success by seizing the government of Iran and instilling religious rule.
In 1996, the Taliban wing of the Islamist movement took control of Afghanistan, eventually playing host to fellow Islamists AlQaeda (of 2001 World Trade Tower fame).
Since 2002, Ataturk’s own Turkey has experienced a profound shift in its government’s balance of power, away from the secular military and toward Islamist sympathies.
Also since 2002, the neoconservative interventionist policy of Bush 43 has had some debatable success with modernization, and even democratization, in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, particularly, it is still quite possible all the hard-won gains could be lost with the withdrawal of our military forces.
The Bushies were handed an embarrassing foreign policy loss in 2006, when the Palestinian elections they pushed for yielded Islamist terrorist group Hamas as the winner. There have been no elections since. More recently, the Islamist terrorist group Hezzbollah has seized effective control of Lebanon.
And now we have a secular despot who has fallen in Egypt. Pursuant to this development we have a strange coalition of American Progressives and Neoconservatives who already see a dawning of democracy in that most populous of Arab nations. Some of us see instead the grave risk of a replay to Iran, 1979.
History unfolding, indeed.
"What is absolutely clear is we are witnessing history unfold," Obama told students at Northern Michigan University in Marquette, Mich. "It's a moment of transformation."
Thank you, Captain Obvious.
Of course, Barry naturally failed to fill in the blanks for the eager young minds assembled before him. I, LibertyAtStake, shall step up and correct this egregious error of omission.
What hangs in the balance is no less than this: whether the Middle East shall continue the slow roll toward western modernity started by a guy named Ataturk in the 20th Century; or slip back into the barbaric 7th Century theocratic state envisioned by a guy named Mohammed.
If it breaks the wrong way, consequences could include a world-wide collapse of the energy economy and/or the elimination of Israel, the only truly modern democratic state in the region right now. Your current administration has little influence over which way it will break, and in fact has done everything over the past few weeks to cause it to break the wrong way. At this point, you might as well consult your Ouija board for the answer.
As one might expect, Wikipedia provides a decent biography for Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (b. 1881, d. 1938), intentionally constructed to aim for objectivity and to present non-controversial facts. This biography makes him out, more less, to be a Turkish George Washington. Substitute “American” for “Turkish” in the lead summary, and you’ll see what I mean.
“[Ataturk] was a Turkish army officer, revolutionary statesman, writer, and founder of the Republic of Turkey, as well as the first Turkish President.”
For the purpose of this post, we shall focus on his policies as “the first Turkish President,” which included the following:
- “…establish[ing] the separation of governmental and religious affairs…”
- “…chang[ing] the classical Islamic education for a vigorously promoted reconstruction of educational institutions.”
- “…personally promot[ing] modern dress for women…”
- “Islamic law [being] separated from secular law, and restricted to matters of religion.”
- “…the education of girls and was establish[ing] the unification of education.”
- “…greater access to a wide variety of artistic activities, sports, and other cultural events.”
- “…commission[ing] the first Turkish operatic work …”
- “…mov[ing] to grant full political rights to women, before several other European nations.”
In short, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was determined to lead his fellow Turks away from the oppressive, closed society run by caliphate in the Ottoman Empire of his youth - toward a civilized, open society modeled on his European neighbors.
In this blog space, I’ve alluded often to a principle tying Newtonian physics to the grand ebbs and tides of history – in particular Newton’s principle stating that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
The Wikipedia article on Ataturk, perhaps bound by its tenants of pure non-controversial objectivity, whitewashes the equal and opposite reaction of Mohammed’s Islamists to Ataturk’s reform program. That would be the founding of an interesting little organization that has been in the news a lot lately – The Muslim Brotherhood. But, we can turn to the capable journalists at Breitbart’s Big Peace to correct the omission.
The aftermath of World War I, with the defeat of the Turkish Ottoman Empire, saw the destruction of the Islamic political authority called the “caliphate.” Mustapha Kemal Ataturk established post-Ottoman Turkey as a secular westernized state and abolished the caliphate. Among his reforms to dismantle the shariah system, Ataturk banned the tradition of growing beards by men and wearing headscarves by women, banned the call to prayer from the mosques, abolished the Turkish language’s script and replaced it with the Latin alphabet, and made the Turkish military the custodians of a new secular tradition.
This did not sit well with Islamic traditionalists. Some became determined to restore the caliphate, if not in Turkey, then somewhere else. One such individual was Hassan al Banna, the son of a Muslim imam who lived outside Cairo, Egypt. In 1928, al Banna founded an organization called the al-Ikhwan al-Musilmin, known in English as the Society of Muslim Brothers or the Muslim Brotherhood (MB).
The Big Peace article draws on a scholarly work known as “Shariah: The Threat to America,” put out by a panel calling itself “Team B II” and sponsored by the Center For Strategic Policy.
The bottom line conclusion of this panel’s research is basically that the 1928 founding of the Muslim Brotherhood has grown over the years into a world-wide movement to impose Shariah Law as the supreme law – by force when possible, by stealth and deceit where necessary.
In the eighty years or so since the Cairo founding of the Muslim Brotherhood, Ataturk’s vision has had more visible success in the Middle East’s battle of ideas. Now - this being the Middle East, with zero prior experience in modern civilization, and the progress only having eighty years to unfold, the disciples of Ataturk have mostly been secular despots.
Shah Reza Pahlavi of Iran was such despot with visions of modernizing his country. In 1979, the Islamists scored their first major success by seizing the government of Iran and instilling religious rule.
In 1996, the Taliban wing of the Islamist movement took control of Afghanistan, eventually playing host to fellow Islamists AlQaeda (of 2001 World Trade Tower fame).
Since 2002, Ataturk’s own Turkey has experienced a profound shift in its government’s balance of power, away from the secular military and toward Islamist sympathies.
Also since 2002, the neoconservative interventionist policy of Bush 43 has had some debatable success with modernization, and even democratization, in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Afghanistan, particularly, it is still quite possible all the hard-won gains could be lost with the withdrawal of our military forces.
The Bushies were handed an embarrassing foreign policy loss in 2006, when the Palestinian elections they pushed for yielded Islamist terrorist group Hamas as the winner. There have been no elections since. More recently, the Islamist terrorist group Hezzbollah has seized effective control of Lebanon.
And now we have a secular despot who has fallen in Egypt. Pursuant to this development we have a strange coalition of American Progressives and Neoconservatives who already see a dawning of democracy in that most populous of Arab nations. Some of us see instead the grave risk of a replay to Iran, 1979.
History unfolding, indeed.
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Sunday, February 6, 2011
Contemporary Politics and Newton's Three Laws of Motion (Part 14)
Given the pace at which your current administration’s foreign policy is spinning out of control, and the pace at which your current administration’s domestic policy is becoming increasingly lawless - this was a difficult post to organize in draft. It’s hard to keep up with a high speed train running off the rails.
At first, focusing on your current administration’s incompetent and feckless reaction to events in Egypt, I started down the path of making this post the third in my “Stupid or Treasonous?” series. I even had my sixth grade son prepare the following graphic in preparation. (Side note: I paid him well below minimum wage for his services. This could be an opening for Obama's Department of Labor to come after me. Updates to follow as needed.)
Then my attention was caught by the mounting evidence of your current administration’s total disregard for the United States Constitution. As a result, I briefly considered instead making this post a direct follow up to my August 1, 2010 post (“When Your Government Goes Lawless”) – which examined this administration’s legal war on the government of Arizona.
Then it hit me. It was obvious – both themes are coming to a head simultaneously. It is therefore high time for Part 14 of the Newtonian F=m*a theme.
This administration is by now inarguably a profound mismatch to the nation it purports to govern. And the case for impeaching Barack Hussein Obama now has a strong foundation to build upon. In fact – I, LibertyAtStake – will go on record stating the evidence is already sufficient; all that remains is completing the project to awaken the American people to the threat Barack Hussein Obama presents to our constitutional republic - hopefully before he and his corrupt gang of Progressives wreck the whole damn place beyond any repair.
The “Stupid or Treasonous?” angle was easy to pick up on while international events unfolded recently. Let’s just take a casual stroll through the Conservative blogosphere.
BHO Admin Dithers to Muslim Brotherhood's Advantage #1
BHO Admin Dithers to Muslim Brotherhood's Advantage #2
BHO Undercuts US Ally to Muslim Brotherhood’s Advantage #1
BHO Undercuts US Ally to Muslim Brotherhood’s Advantage #2
BHO Undercuts US Ally to Muslim Brotherhood’s Advantage #3
BHO Admin Ignores Security Threat On Southern Border #1
BHO Admin Ignores Security Threat On Southern Border #2
BHO Admin Betrays Closest Ally's Military Secrets #1
BHO Admin Betrays Closest Ally's Military Secrets #2
I imagine if we took a straw poll of the aforementioned contributors, “treasonous” would stand a very good chance of trumping “stupid.” But – strictly as it relates to foreign policy matters – I am sticking to “stuck on stupid” as the prime explanation for what we are observing. My prime reason being this: domestic politics is everything for this corrupt gang, which leads them easily into the appearance of treason overseas. Plus we’ve seen this act before in a slightly diluted form:

Now, don’t get me wrong – “stuck on stupid” in foreign affairs can have profoundly disastrous consequences for the republic. It’s too bad the Founding Fathers lacked the foresight to craft a “gross incompetence” clause for impeachment.
The least of our concerns is bad enough – economy crippling rises in energy costs. Or, looked at through my cracked prism, a return to the Jimmah Cahtah ‘malaise’ energy economy - as documented by LibertyAtStake’s nomination for the Greatest Rock and Roll Band Ever, The Kinks.
Now, let’s turn to the initial bricks in the wall (gratuitous Pink Floyd reference) making the impeachment case against Barack Hussein Obama. The case should be built on the high crime and misdemeanor of failing to fulfill his oath to defend the Constitution. There is ample evidence of his total disregard for the Constitution, as a matter of fact.
On the foreign policy front, the breaking story claiming BHO leaked the military secrets of an ally does contribute. But, the main case should be built upon the blatant disregard BHO and the Progressives are showing for co-equal branches of government in domestic policy.
This Daily Caller story, and related comment thread, got my thought process going on this theme.
Another casual stroll through the conservative blogosphere is in order here, just to round out the case for impeachment.
Obama Interior Dept Held In Contempt of Court #1
Obama Interior Dept Held In Contempt of Court #2
ObamaCare Ruled Unconstitutional – BHO Flips Off Ruling #1
ObamaCare Ruled Unconstitutional – BHO Flips Off Ruling #2
EPA Imposes Cap and Tax Lacking Legal Authorization #1
EPA Imposes Cap and Tax Lacking Legal Authorization #2
EPA Imposes Cap and Tax Lacking Legal Authorization #3
FCC Seeks To Regulate Internet Lacking Legal Authorization #1
FCC Seeks To Regulate Internet Lacking Legal Authorization #2
FCC Seeks To Regulate Internet Lacking Legal Authorization #3
ObamaCare Waivers Violate Equal Protection Clause #1
ObamaCare Waivers Violate Equal Protection Clause #2
ObamaCare Waivers Violate Equal Protection Clause #3
The cronyism, hypocrisy, and blatant disregard for the rule of law is simply breathtaking by now. The Progressive gang is using every part of the federal government it controls to wage an extra-constitutional war on other federal branches, the states, and all the people of the United States.
Wake up people! I would really, really like my kids to live in a country where they can pursue life, liberty, and happiness under a government that understands and respects the concept. How’s that ‘hopenchange’ working out, anyway? Elections have consequences and giving the corrupt Progressive gang until 2012 with an iron grip on the Executive Branch may give them too much time to tear up the Constitution. Luckily for us, the Constitution provides for a remedy between election cycles. It’s called Impeachment, and it is provided for in Article II, Section 4.
At first, focusing on your current administration’s incompetent and feckless reaction to events in Egypt, I started down the path of making this post the third in my “Stupid or Treasonous?” series. I even had my sixth grade son prepare the following graphic in preparation. (Side note: I paid him well below minimum wage for his services. This could be an opening for Obama's Department of Labor to come after me. Updates to follow as needed.)
Then my attention was caught by the mounting evidence of your current administration’s total disregard for the United States Constitution. As a result, I briefly considered instead making this post a direct follow up to my August 1, 2010 post (“When Your Government Goes Lawless”) – which examined this administration’s legal war on the government of Arizona.
Then it hit me. It was obvious – both themes are coming to a head simultaneously. It is therefore high time for Part 14 of the Newtonian F=m*a theme.
This administration is by now inarguably a profound mismatch to the nation it purports to govern. And the case for impeaching Barack Hussein Obama now has a strong foundation to build upon. In fact – I, LibertyAtStake – will go on record stating the evidence is already sufficient; all that remains is completing the project to awaken the American people to the threat Barack Hussein Obama presents to our constitutional republic - hopefully before he and his corrupt gang of Progressives wreck the whole damn place beyond any repair.
The “Stupid or Treasonous?” angle was easy to pick up on while international events unfolded recently. Let’s just take a casual stroll through the Conservative blogosphere.
BHO Admin Dithers to Muslim Brotherhood's Advantage #1
BHO Admin Dithers to Muslim Brotherhood's Advantage #2
BHO Undercuts US Ally to Muslim Brotherhood’s Advantage #1
BHO Undercuts US Ally to Muslim Brotherhood’s Advantage #2
BHO Undercuts US Ally to Muslim Brotherhood’s Advantage #3
BHO Admin Ignores Security Threat On Southern Border #1
BHO Admin Ignores Security Threat On Southern Border #2
BHO Admin Betrays Closest Ally's Military Secrets #1
BHO Admin Betrays Closest Ally's Military Secrets #2
I imagine if we took a straw poll of the aforementioned contributors, “treasonous” would stand a very good chance of trumping “stupid.” But – strictly as it relates to foreign policy matters – I am sticking to “stuck on stupid” as the prime explanation for what we are observing. My prime reason being this: domestic politics is everything for this corrupt gang, which leads them easily into the appearance of treason overseas. Plus we’ve seen this act before in a slightly diluted form:

Now, don’t get me wrong – “stuck on stupid” in foreign affairs can have profoundly disastrous consequences for the republic. It’s too bad the Founding Fathers lacked the foresight to craft a “gross incompetence” clause for impeachment.
Now, let’s turn to the initial bricks in the wall (gratuitous Pink Floyd reference) making the impeachment case against Barack Hussein Obama. The case should be built on the high crime and misdemeanor of failing to fulfill his oath to defend the Constitution. There is ample evidence of his total disregard for the Constitution, as a matter of fact.
On the foreign policy front, the breaking story claiming BHO leaked the military secrets of an ally does contribute. But, the main case should be built upon the blatant disregard BHO and the Progressives are showing for co-equal branches of government in domestic policy.
This Daily Caller story, and related comment thread, got my thought process going on this theme.
Another casual stroll through the conservative blogosphere is in order here, just to round out the case for impeachment.
Obama Interior Dept Held In Contempt of Court #1
Obama Interior Dept Held In Contempt of Court #2
ObamaCare Ruled Unconstitutional – BHO Flips Off Ruling #1
ObamaCare Ruled Unconstitutional – BHO Flips Off Ruling #2
EPA Imposes Cap and Tax Lacking Legal Authorization #1
EPA Imposes Cap and Tax Lacking Legal Authorization #2
EPA Imposes Cap and Tax Lacking Legal Authorization #3
FCC Seeks To Regulate Internet Lacking Legal Authorization #1
FCC Seeks To Regulate Internet Lacking Legal Authorization #2
FCC Seeks To Regulate Internet Lacking Legal Authorization #3
ObamaCare Waivers Violate Equal Protection Clause #1
ObamaCare Waivers Violate Equal Protection Clause #2
ObamaCare Waivers Violate Equal Protection Clause #3
The cronyism, hypocrisy, and blatant disregard for the rule of law is simply breathtaking by now. The Progressive gang is using every part of the federal government it controls to wage an extra-constitutional war on other federal branches, the states, and all the people of the United States.
Wake up people! I would really, really like my kids to live in a country where they can pursue life, liberty, and happiness under a government that understands and respects the concept. How’s that ‘hopenchange’ working out, anyway? Elections have consequences and giving the corrupt Progressive gang until 2012 with an iron grip on the Executive Branch may give them too much time to tear up the Constitution. Luckily for us, the Constitution provides for a remedy between election cycles. It’s called Impeachment, and it is provided for in Article II, Section 4.
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2012 Election,
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