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How to use the portal? You could dive into my archive*. I was most active here 2010-2012, but that matters not. How many times do I need to demonstrate the central point? To wit, the political / ideological Left is a menace to the constitutional republic and must be resisted lest the American experiment in liberty devolve into socialist dystopia. If it's the more pointed hand-to-hand combat of the comment board that whets your appetite, click the 'My Disqus Comments' widget. I continue to visit that world from time to time as a light diversion. Or you could browse through my blog roll. It's a very representative collection of center-right blogs, though hardly exhaustive. I can't do the political / ideology thing 24x7, and you probably can't either. Leave that to the hysterical, talking point chanting, mob agitating, race baiting, election stealing, gaia worshiping, straw man torching, Islamic Terrorist appeasing, organized Left (aka OFA, MSNBC, UAW, SEIU, Think Progress, Media Matters, most of legacy media, the politically correct faculty lounge, anybody who belonged to Journolist, anybody connected to Occupy Wall Street, anything funded by George Soros or Tom Steyer, their paid Internet trolls, and the rest of the usual Team Leftie suspects).

*Re-posting encouraged. No need to ask for permission. Just follow the commonly accepted convention of acknowledging this site as original source with a link back. That way, you leave the asking for forgiveness to me.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Election 2012 Post-Mortem (Executive Summary)

Or: What the hell happened?

How did the Empty Suit Known as Barack Hussein Obama get re-elected? An incumbent with a record that piss poor gets four more years to inflict his incompetence and malfeasance on the republic? With all the power of the now bloated and imperial federal executive branch behind him? WTF?

For a week now, the soul searching has been deep and convulsive on the side of Team (R). Good, it will serve them well in 2014 and beyond. Team (D) – not so much. In typically insipid fashion, Team (D) merely gloats over a victory that will prove pyrrhic. This victory simply gives Team (D) more time to own the failure of their policies. The economy is now officially f*cked, general war now virtually certain in the Mideast, and if the Empty Suit wants to continue blaming his “predecessor” he will need to be carrying around a mirror everywhere.


So, what the hell happened, anyway?

The executive summary has three four major points of observation:

1. Team (R) far and away has the best policies for dealing with America's most existential threats to internal stability and liberty – runaway size and scope of government, and especially the unsustainable growth of entitlement programs backed by nothing but IOUs from a national Treasury already $16 trillion in debt.

2. However, Team (D) far and away is better at mobilizing the clueless, uninformed, vulnerable, and mathematically challenged to support their sole policy program – free stuff for you, paid for by somebody else.

3. Looks like I got the answer to my May 8 post, “How Stupid *is* My Republic?”

4. Demographics are destiny, and Team (R) needs to figure out how to reach the great mass of clueless, uninformed, vulnerable, and mathematically challenged in the emerging demographics – without pandering to them by offering more free stuff paid for by somebody else. That would mean merely joining Team (D) as part of the problem, like the Bush/Hastert 2000-2006 RINO coalition did.

Further analysis to come later … I still have a living to scratch out in what remains of Barry’s dysconomy. As far as the upcoming analysis is concerned, for the basic feel of it … find the 2002 movie “Gangs of New York” and go straight to the scene where Tammany Hall rounds up all the drunks and hobos to vote Democrat on election day.

Update 2:15 pm

This is what we're up against. A 4000 vote swing at 1 am when an "election official" unilaterally decides to recount previously counted votes. Who do you think "election official" Gertrude Walker was rooting for?

Update 8:05 pm

The pessimistic side of me suspects the next four years will feel like this.

Update 11/17/12

This just in on the Allen West screw job. I guess now we might find out who "election official" Gertrude Walker was rooting for. After the recount she can take the stand in her own defense if she wants.

Update 11/18/12

Chaos reigns as the Allen West screw job continues to unfold. Hint: Chaos is the first clue Democrats are up to something.

Update 11/20/12

Looks like "election official" Gertrude Walker gets the outcome she unilaterally decided to facilitate.

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A conversation between the white house and the justice dept.Dear Leader-- Eric how are you. Eric--good I think, a lot of pressure,you know.
Dear leader--The reason I called I would like you to stay on for my next term,you have been so good covering my ass,Your just to good a
counselaire to leave me. Eric-I am worried about my future this thing could fall apart and I could be indicted,then what.Dear leader do not
worry I promise I will give you a presidential parden before I leave office,by the way could you look into that term limit thing I realy like this job.
Thanks I will talk to you later, I am due on the golf course.Satire from the common man.Prey for America.

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